Pathfinder LIVE

Pathfinder hosts Live Q & A sessions on both their Facebook and Instagram channels, their multicultural channel, Facebook en Español, and on Zoom sessions. These live question and answer segments are to promote engagement with the Tennessee disability community served, to provide opportunities for viewers to engage with agency professionals and other caregivers, and to provide resource information.

Tuesday Talk

White brick background image with a woman with long hair wearing a blue denim top to the left of the image. Text on the right of the image: “Tuesday Talk with TENNESSEE DISABILITY PATHFINDER (branded graphic) HOST SHEENA ADAMS-AVERY FACEBOOK LIVE INSTAGRAM LIVE BIMONTHLY 1 PM CT @TNPATHFINDER.” Red dots are in front of the Live pages mentioned.
Tuesday Talk with TNP

Tuesday Talk is an interactive, moderator-guided, question-and-answer segment with disability advocates and qualified professionals from various agencies who provide disability resources throughout the state of Tennessee. Featured guests are asked questions posed by the viewers via three tools: an online form, Pathfinder Live Q&A, using the hashtag #AskTNP, or by placing them in the comments section during the Live events.

Tuesday Talk is bi-monthly on Tuesdays on Pathfinder’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

Interested in being a featured guest on Tuesday Talk? Want to know how to be a participant in our chat sessions? Email us at

Don’t forget to follow us on social media, @TNPathfinder, on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Also follow us on our Facebook en Español page.

For promotional materials for Tuesday Talk, click on the image above and right-click to save or download additional images here.