Tennessee Disability Pathfinder (“Pathfinder”) helps people with disabilities, their family members, educators, and other professionals find and access resources, support, and services available to meet their needs.
Information and Referrals: We connect individuals to appropriate community resources. Our diverse staff includes professionals, family members, and/or individuals with disabilities that have many years of experience working in the disability field. You can access these resources by contacting our office at 1-800-640-4636, searching our resource directory, and checking our community calendar.
Education and Training: We provide innovative training and presentations to inform people about Pathfinder, Disability Etiquette, Working with Multicultural Populations, and Community Resources.
Multicultural Services: This aims to remove the barriers that many culturally diverse communities find when trying to access disability resources by providing case management assistance and training presentations.
Pathfinder Videos: To learn more about us, view these brief videos:
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder Overview [120 seconds English]: Learn about services and resources available through Pathfinder
- Tennessee Disability Pathfinder Overview [120 seconds Spanish]: Conozca los servicios y recursos disponibles a través de Pathfinder
- What is Tennessee Disability Pathfinder [60 seconds English]: A short overview of Pathfinder
- ¿Qué es Tennessee Disability Pathfinder? [60 seconds Spanish]: Una breve descripción de Pathfinder
- How does Pathfinder connect people to resources? [60 seconds English]: A brief overview of Pathfinder services
- ¿Cómo conecta Pathfinder a las personas con los recursos? [60 seconds Spanish]: Una breve descripción de los servicios de Pathfinder
- What is available on Pathfinder’s website? [30 seconds English]: A short demonstration of Pathfinder’s website
- ¿Qué hay disponible en el sitio web de Pathfinder? [30 seconds Spanish]: Una breve demostración del sitio web de Pathfinder
- How does Pathfinder guide individuals to resources? [30 seconds English]: A short video about Pathfinder’s helpline
- ¿Cómo guía Pathfinder a las personas hacia los recursos? [30 seconds Spanish]: Un video corto sobre la línea de ayuda de Pathfinder
Want to know Pathfinder’s plans? A copy of our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is available here.
Learn more at TNPathfinder.org.
Meet Our Team
Click an image to find out more about that Pathfinder Team member.